Tips on how to apply for PMAY?

Tips on how to apply for PMAY?


Whether rich or poor every individual dream to have a house of their own. With the launch of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana project, this dream is now becoming a reality for the marginalised sections of society. The PMAY project launched under the current government offers affordable housing schemes to the urban and rural poor. 

Tips for applying for PMAY

The PMAY scheme offers a lot of attractive benefits to the urban and rural poor along with the middle-income groups. If you want you can apply for the PMAY scheme and here are the tips that you need for applying for any of the PMAY schemes thereby. 

Be sure about your family income

PMAY offers different kinds of schemes to the urban and rural population and for applying for any of the schemes your annual family income becomes an important factor. Different schemes have different limits on annual income. For instance, the Economically Weaker Section scheme has an income barrier of Rs. 3 lakhs. Similarly, every scheme has an income barrier and you must qualify for that to apply for the PMAY scheme. 

Be informed about the maximum carpet area

The affordable housing scheme offers a fixed carpet area. However, the carpet area varies for each scheme. Be absolutely sure about the carpet area that you will be eligible to get under the preferred scheme. 

Make sure you do not own a pucca house 

Before availing of any of the schemes under PMAY make sure you do not own a pucca house of any kind. As the terms and conditions of PMAY clearly state that anybody having a pucca house anywhere across India will not be eligible for the PMAY scheme. Thus if you plan to apply for PMAY schemes even after having a concrete house your application will get rejected automatically. 

Keep your documents ready

Keep your documents ready while applying for the PMAY. Keeping your documents handy, can save your time and effort while filling the application form. As a salaried individual, the documents that you need to apply for PMAY are given below. 

  • Proof of address. 
  • Proof of income. 
  • Documents related to the property. 
  • Bank records related to existing loans. 

Steps to apply for PMAY online

You can apply for the PMAY schemes online by following the steps given below. 

  • Visit the official website of PMAY. 
  • From the ‘Citizen Assessment’ segment choose your category. 
  • Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number. 
  • The application page will be displayed in front of you. 
  • Fill in the required details. 
  • Provide the Captcha Code.
  • Hit the ‘Submit’ button
  • An application number will be generated, save it for future use. 
  • Take a print out of the application form. 

Besides online, you can even apply for the PMAY schemes offline. However, applying online is far more feasible and convenient. The PMAY scheme envisages fulfilling the housing dreams of the poor section of society. There are many banks that are offering the PMAY scheme. You can go ahead and choose any.

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